New Grower Grow 3 - Whiskey Zulu - Twenty20 Mendocino (part of Grow&Show 2022)


Cultivators Club
Jun 8, 2021
Reaction score
Here is my personal grow log for my entry in Twenty20 Mendocino Grow&Show 2022.

For this grow, I decided to try growing in Coco coir, using the Canna range of nutrients. I also switched from a fabric pot to an Air-Pot.

To work out my feeding amounts, I used Cannas own Grow guide, using "Light feeding" as a base. As my water is very soft (EC 48us/cm3), and Canna nutrients are deigned to be used with water that has a standard hardness rating (EC 400us/cm3), I was aware that I would need to add CalMag, so I ordered the Canna Coco starter kit and Canna CalMag.

I created a spreadsheet for 25%, 50% and 75% of the "Light feeding" amounts to aid me when feeding (click thumbnails for larger views).
Schedule04.jpg Schedule02.jpg Schedule03.jpg Schedule04.jpg


Tech-Garden Grow Tent - 50 cm x 50 cm x 100 cm
AC Infinity Cloudline S4 Extractor Fan
Rhino Hobby 100 mm x 300 mm Carbon Filter (outside the tent due to space issues)
Spider Farmer SF1000 Grow Light
Mini Tower Fan
2 x 120 mm USB fans for air circulation above area where Mini Tower Fan operates
Mini Dehumidifier
2 x 3D-printed Silica Gel holders (with Silica Gel inside obviously) within the passive intakes.
VegTrug Bluetooth 4 in 1 Soil and Light monitor
9 meter, 80W reptile heat belt
Meross Smart plugs to control equipment within an App
Meross Smart Hydrometer/Thermometer that interfaces with the Meross Smart plugs
Wi-Fi Security Camera, that is connected to my PC using iSpy software, where I have set up to take a photo/frame grab every 3.5 minutes (210 seconds) for creating Time-lapse videos.

Day -7

The seeds arrived from @Twenty20 Adam on Thursday 20th January, but due to a minor delay with delivery of my nutrients, I was not able to start until Saturday 22nd.
Grow 03 Day -05.JPG

Day -5

I mixed 10 litres of Coco with 2.5 litres of Perlite, and filled up my 12.5 litre Air-Pot. As it was an off brand Coco, I rinsed the Coco with about 20 litres of pH 5.5 water.
I then mixed up 2 litres of Week 0 - 25% feed (CalMag, Coco A&B and Rhizitonic) and used this to give a final rinse to the Coco.

Due to limited space, I am only able to grow 1 plant at a time, so I chose to start with Whiskey Zulu. My next grow will be Triks.
I dropped a seed in a small bowl of water, and placed this in my grow tent (with lights off) for 48 hours, switched on the Wi-Fi camera in the tent, and started the iSpy capture software to make weekly Time-lapse videos of the grow.
Grow 03 Day -05a.JPG Grow 03 Day -05b.JPG

Day -3

She has a tap root, so I dropped her into the Air-Pot, and gave another feeding from the Week 0 - 25% spreadsheet. Switched on light at 50% on an 18/6 hour schedule.
Grow 03 Day -03.JPG Grow 03 Day -03a.JPG

Day 1

She's popped up :yay: :woohoo::yay:
Grow 03 Day 01.JPG

Time-Lapse of week 0 now live on The WeedTube

The Weed Tube is now closed. I have now uploaded a Supercut (complete Time-Lapse video) to my YouTube channel - DaveR1974 Grows.

I will keep this log updated every few days, and the Official Grow&Show log weekly.


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Day 1 (update)

Forgot to say, light turned up to 60%. Also gave final week 0 feeding (25% schedule)

Day 2

Light upped to 75%. The PC had to be rebooted at 10:50pm, but I failed to notice that iSpy did not automatically restart as it should have done, so time-lapse capture was interrupted.
Grow 03 Day 02.JPG

Day 3

Light turned up to 100%. Noticed the issue with iSpy at 10:30am, so restarted capture.
Grow 03 Day 03.JPG

Day 4

Grow 03 Day 04.JPG
Day 5

Got a 16 litre Wham storage box with lid and an Air pump.
Set up a wee reservoir to make batches of nutrient mix to water/feed from. The Air pump came with free fittings, but I have ordered some black air line hose to stop light getting in the reservoir.
Filled with 10 litres of water and started the air pump to get rid of the Chlorine.
DSC01022.JPGDSC01025.JPG Grow 03 Day 05.JPG

Day 6

Held off watering/feeding since day 1 until now, to help promote root growth. Made up a 10 litre batch of Week 1 & 2 - 25% strength nutrient mix (pH balanced to 5.8), and gave 4 litres to her.
Grow 03 Day 06.JPG

Day 7

Grow 03 Day 07.JPG

Day 8


Time-Lapse of week 1 now live on The WeedTube

The Weed Tube is now closed. I have now uploaded a Supercut (complete Time-Lapse video) to my YouTube channel - DaveR1974 Grows.
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Damn you got three dope cultivars :fire: Looking forward to seeing what your WZ F3 produces! :pop: :thumbsup:
Day 9

Soil monitor shows she is taking up water and nutes faster, so she is ready for a wee drink. Gave her 2 litres of 25% mix.
Grow 03 Day 09.JPG

Day 10

Grow 03 Day 10.JPG

Day 11

She's ready for another drink. 2 more litres given. I suspect she will be getting daily drinks soon.... What a lush :drunks:
Grow 03 Day 11.JPG

Day 12

Soil monitor shows she is on the borderline of needing a drink, so I decide to give her the remaining 2 litres of mix. Then I refilled the reservoir with 10 litres of fresh water, and switched on the air stones to dechlorinate for 24 hours.
Grow 03 Day 12.JPG
Day 13

Soil monitor showing that she doesn't need any water/food just yet.
Grow 03 Day 13.JPG

Day 14

Soil monitor shows she can go another day.
Grow 03 Day 14.JPG

Day 15

She is now starting her third week, so mixed up 10 litres of week 3 - 25% mix. Gave her 2 litres, and donated the run-off to our winter vegetable grows outside. I have been doing this since seeing the suggestions on @mb5322's thread. They are really loving it.
Grow 03 Day 15.JPG

I am very impressed with how she is growing and handling the nutes. She could probably handle being moved up to 50%, but as this is my first grow using these nutrients, and using coco coir, I will stick with 25% for now.

Time-Lapse of week 2 now live on The WeedTube

The Weed Tube is now closed. I have now uploaded a Supercut (complete Time-Lapse video) to my YouTube channel - DaveR1974 Grows.
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Day 16

She is now on daily watering/feeding. Gave 1 litre of 25% mix
Grow 03 Day 16.JPG

Day 17

1 litre of 25% mix given
Grow 03 Day 17.JPG

Day 18

And another 1 litre of 25% mix given
Grow 03 Day 18.JPG
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